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Smile Maker inspired by the book Because Amelia Smiled by David Ezra Stein. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Flim Flam Flum
Flim Flam Flum is inspired by the book, The Magician’s Hat by Malcolm Mitchell. Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a magical read.
Hand & Eye inspired by the book The Practical Encyclopedia of MAGIC by Nicholas Einhorn. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a magical read.
Simon the Star inspired by the book How to Catch A Star by Oliver Jeffers. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Fluffy the Frog inspired by the Fly Guy book series by Tedd Arnold. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Bases Loaded inspired by the book Miracle Mud by David A. Kelly. Illustrated by Oliver Dominguez. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Einswine the Pig
Einswine is inspired by the book The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs as told to Jon Scieszka. Illustrated by Lane Smith. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a magical read.
Spots Before My Eyes
Inspired by the book Topsy-Turvy Optical Illusions by Al Seckel. Look for this book and others on optical illusions in your favorite library and online.
Fred the Worm inspired by the book Houdini The Amazing Caterpillar by Janet Pedersen. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Cannonball Chicken inspired by the book Pirate Chicken All Hens on Deck. Words by Brian Yanish. Pictures by Jess Pauwels. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Bucket Full inspired by the book Have You Filled A Bucket Today by Carol McCloud. Illustrated by David Messing. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.
Crayon-Wow inspired by the book The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. Pictures by Oliver Jeffers. Look for this book in your favorite library and online. It’s a great read.